Discover The Ultimate Body sculpting and Massage Experience
Welcome to Body by SJ. I’m Susan and I am so excited to help you achieve incredible results with revolutionary non invasive body sculpting/contouring treatment. I also offer a range of Massage services
What is the treatment?
Yes, it is new and revolutionary, but there are just three simple steps.
Ultra sonic caviation and radio frequency therapy
Wooden sculpting
Lymphatic drainage message
Why Choose Us
What are the benefits?
My clients so far have seen some amazing benefits including
Loss of inches
cavitation breaks down fat cells allowing them to be drained naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.
Reshaping the body
Using various wooden instruments and latest massage techniques to sculpt the area.
Improved skin tone and elasticity
Through red light therapy the skin looks and feels firmer stretch marks reduced and cellulite is smoothed and visibly improved.
Promotes lymphatic drainage
Using massage techniques to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system to help kick start the drainage of fat cells.
I have been blown away by my clients results so far and love hearing how much it’s increased their body confidence.
Why Choose Us
What are the benefits?
My clients so far have seen some amazing benefits including
Loss of inches
cavitation breaks down fat cells allowing them to be drained naturally through the body’s lymphatic system.
Reshaping the body
Using various wooden instruments and latest massage techniques to sculpt the area.
Improved skin tone and elasticity
Through red light therapy the skin looks and feels firmer stretch marks reduced and cellulite is smoothed and visibly improved.
Promotes lymphatic drainage
Using massage techniques to stimulate the body’s lymphatic system to help kick start the drainage of fat cells.
I have been blown away by my clients results so far and love hearing how much it’s increased their body confidence.
Make An Appointment
Experience the Magic of Our Services
Working Hours:
we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and ensuring you make a bold and beautiful statement.